Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Tigerlilly (Model, fashionista and rebel)


Image: A very sexy-looking woman with an alluring body, and inviting eyes. She frequently changes her looks and style, but it normally has a rebellious feel to it. She never follows fashion trends, she dictates it.

Roleplaying Notes: She is always cool and in control of her own emotions. She has a knack of making people feel important when they are around her.

Background & Faction (Scumborn and socialite): She was born into poverty, and lived among the lowborn until her teens. Then she started on an unforgettable rise on the social ladder, starting with a career in exotic dancing. By sheer looks, determination and intuition she soon landed a job as an extra in different holoshows. She then earned her fame by dating the infamous rockerboy called Silver Spike for two years. The relationship ended when he committed suicide/overdosed, but she continued to stay in the limelight through association with up-and-coming new artists. Meanwhile she worked on her own career, mostly through modeling but also some acting. Today she is highly respected for her own work and creative talent.

Her latest relationships includes the famous drug-abusing photographer Victor Luna, and one of the most sought-after deejays on the night club scene in Elysium – Jon Jungel. There is also some rumors that she is courted by the former Olympic champion of freefalling Einhjard Eriksson. She is also an important figure among the anarchists, and has lately worked as a public spoke person for the movement.

Aptitudes: COG 15, COO 20 (+5), INT 15, REF 15, SAV 30 (+10), SOM 10, WILL 15

Stats: MOX 3/3, TT 5, LUC 30, IR 60, WT 8, DUR 40, DR 60, INIT 60, SPD 1, DB3

Morph: Sylph

Active skills: Blades 50 (scratchers), Deception 90 (acting), Disguise 60 (cosmetic), Fray 50, Impersonation 70 (face-to-face), Infiltration 40, Infosec 60, Interfacing 60, Kinesics 70, Kinetic weapons 50, Medicine (Biosculpting) 35, Networking (Anarchists) 90, Networking (Media) 90, Networking (Criminals) 50, Networking (Hypercorps) 65, Palming 60, Perception 60, Persuasion 90 (Seduction), Protocol 80 (anarchists), Scrounging 45, Unarmed Combat 40.

Knowledge skills: Academics (economics) 40, Academics (law) 40, Art (erotic dancing) 60, Art (photography) 50, Interest (personal grooming) 60, Interest (wardrobe and style) 60, Interest (underground fashion) 60, Language (english) 70, Language (norse) 40, Language (Hindi) 50, Profession (modeling) 70, Profession (escorting) 50, Profession (liaison) 40.

Traits: Striking Looks (lvl 10)

Reputation: @-rep30 (anarchists), c-rep 20 (corporations), f-rep 25 (media), g-rep 15 (criminals).

Weapons: scratchers and sometimes a light kinetic pistol.

Armour: Armor Clothing.

Cybernetic: Advanced biomeds, basic mesh inserts, enhanced pheromones.

Gear: Her entourage and a fashionable purse with everything a modern martian woman needs.

Picture source:

The real person in the picture is Agnete kjølsrud, vocalist in Djerv.

Stein Fjellberg's Audio-log #Zero1

Sci-fi Cowboy
Stein Fjellberg

I left my trusted truck in the hands of one of the nomad krawls, and met up with Alfred and Tor-Erik Erikssons. They needed someone that could get them inside of the quarantine zone of the Hanging Gardens – at last a worthy challenge. After some skullduggery in Elysium City they finally made a deal with the corporation called Ephemera. The result was that a tech operative joined our expedition, and of course she had no training in martian survival. There seems to be few around with my expertise, so I am certain there are credits to be made by doing this kind of stuff.

I procured the necessary vehicles for the operation from the Nomad Nation – the medicines provided by The Erikssons was more than enough to barter with. After that I did a bit of recon together with the Ephemera operative, and we found a route that was navigable by night. The intrusion went without a hitch – I guess the tags we got from Ultralohft helped a lot.

Alfred Eriksson and the operative got us inside the dome, and from there it was just a question of running fast enough. I am have no idea how, but the local AI seemed to have some kind of control of the inhabitants by the injection of some kind of virtual drug. They were mostly harmless as long as we kept our distance. In the end The Erikssons found what they were looking for, and we actually got away with the data slates - and we did not need to kill too many of the flesh drones?  Hopefully they can use what we found...

Picture source: